The history of quarantine -- Acknowledgments -- Broken pieces -- To miss the shadow -- Bread -- Side by side in fragile -- They belong perhaps to other worlds -- While I count like I have practiced -- The undoing -- For truth would be form a line -- we still are not breathing -- Before she consumes it -- It's almost dark -- As among grotesque trees -- The right measure of their agony -- And admits -- We'll come down close behind -- Yes it's difficult -- Let your eyes slide over the estuary -- She can do what she has to do -- At close of day -- What we call time -- Left with loose sentences -- Decorate fear -- It made her feel like -- Differently, the way everyghing is wrong -- Inside me waiting a long time -- The world can turn upside down -- Withme, you can feel like a horse race -- Too late. I was already -- I swear, don't -- The past recent times -- In oblivion -- In later time -- Caught fire, with fire -- Slowing things down -- Where they'd gone to see leaves -- After all, they are ridiculous -- There's always a woman -- All it takes -- Holy Waters heal the border scar -- But now our nightmares are tinted and fulgent and crackling like neon -- Days I walked home from school -- With beaded rosaries wrapped -- In the sewer of my soul -- Could it be that maybe this crazy situation is the reason -- Drowning lined in the sand -- Echoes of a room without furniture -- With a whip for a tail -- Unlearning America's languages -- With cascading, iron straight hair -- We count steps, sweep soreness -- My body is a flame -- Until beaten, my wings -- Come angels! Come beasts! -- I told my friend to rub her lice against my hair -- Killing too much meat to carry -- All aunwavering survivors -- I made up a tory for myself once -- Boys from Lisbon, a block away -- Cool like the Rio Medina under the trees -- The poor kid with something to prove -- The sky's in the middle of descent -- Saguaros, purple blossoms open in the moonlight -- Doors flung open -- One season, my father leases land to grow Fresno sweet red onions -- Green was the silence -- More than us, but less than wind -- Darkness we are having -- Wet was the light -- Endnotes -- About the author.